Mate is much more than just a drink, it is a central part of South American culture and history . Discover the captivating history of mate, from its discovery to its contemporary role in society.
Discovery of mate: an ancestral treasure

The discovery of mate dates back thousands of years, when indigenous people of South America began cultivating and consuming the leaves of the yerba mate plant . The Guarani tribes were among the first to explore the stimulating and healing properties of mate. They recognized its health benefits , its energizing power and its social role in the community.
Mate in culture and traditions
Over time, mate became an iconic drink of countries such as Argentina , Paraguay and Uruguay . It has become a symbol of cultural identity and a deeply rooted social practice. The preparation and tasting of mate is surrounded by specific rituals , including the use of a traditional calabash , a bombilla and sharing with friends or family.
Mate through the ages
Mate has crossed the ages and experienced different phases of expansion and prohibition . During Spanish colonization, missionaries tried to suppress the consumption of mate, considering it a pagan practice. However, mate's popularity has endured, and it has become a common drink in many regions. Over time, mate has also gained popularity in other countries, thanks to its growing fame as a stimulating and healthy drink .
Mate in the modern world

Today, mate has gained worldwide fame . Its popularity has spread far beyond South America, attracting many followers around the world. It is found in different forms , such as sachet infusions and ready-to-consume drinks . Mate is appreciated for its natural energizing properties , its richness in antioxidants and its benefits for concentration and digestion .
In conclusion, the history of mate is a fascinating journey through time and cultures. From its discovery by indigenous peoples to its current role in modern society, mate remains an iconic drink that unites people and embodies the traditions and cultural identity of South America. Whether for its health benefits or for the moments of sharing that it encourages, mate continues to fascinate and enchant lovers around the world.