Here is our selection of bestsellers to discover the benefits of traditional mate or infusion.
Popularized by the most famous footballers and renowned both for its multiple health benefits and for its incredible energizing properties, mate is increasingly popular in France and around the world. But what is mate? Why and how to drink mate? We will explain everything to you.
Usually consumed by the Guarani people in Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, mate was originally considered a true therapeutic drink. Sometimes chewed directly or prepared as an energizing elixir, the yerba mate leaf allowed the Guarani to face the physical challenges of daily life, from long walks to hunting trips.
A symbol of sharing, conviviality and well-being, traditional mate today has a very special place in the culture of many South Americans. Being invited to share a mate is the assurance of being integrated into the close circle of your hosts.
A famous South American plant, yerba mate takes its name from Ilex Paraguarensis, a tree with evergreen green leaves belonging to the holly family. It is mainly cultivated in Argentina, southern Brazil and Paraguay, and grows naturally along rivers or in mountainous forests.
At Mi Maté, we are committed to offering you 100% natural mate of premium quality, from fair trade farming. All our yerba mate is grown and prepared in Argentina while respecting the environment.
Once picked, yerba mate leaves are traditionally dried over a fire for 24 to 36 hours. Finally crushed and packaged, they are prepared like tea, by infusing the dried leaves in hot or cold water.
When you wake up, during a coffee break, to share a moment with friends, after a meal or before a sports session... so many opportunities to enjoy the benefits of a good traditional mate. Sometimes called mate tea, mate is a great alternative to tea or coffee. Its particular, very aromatic and rather bitter flavor makes yerba mate a comforting drink with unique aromas. While some will appreciate it strong and herbaceous, it can be sweetened with honey or natural sweeteners to appeal to the most novice palates.
Yerba mate is a healthy drink known for its multiple virtues and health benefits.
✔ Strong plant antioxidant and protects cells
Already present in our daily diet, antioxidants have the function of fighting against cell aging. Due to its high antioxidant content, mate is an essential ally for preventing skin aging and promoting good cardiovascular health, by protecting the heart and blood vessels.
✔ Weight management / lipid metabolism
Devoid of fat, yerba mate helps improve metabolism. A true slimming ally, mate will provide you with diuretic properties which will help combat water retention. Finally, numerous studies have revealed that mate helps break down lipids while reducing the feeling of hunger.
✔ Fight fatigue
Healthy alternative to energy drinks, yerba mate is a natural anti-fatigue. Thanks to its ideal concentration of caffeine, it helps to effectively combat physical and mental fatigue. Consumed moderately, the caffeine present in mate is also responsible for improving concentration.
✔ Helps improve mental and physical abilities
As revealed by Antoine Griezmann or Lionel Messi, yerba mate is also a faithful companion for athletes. Drinking mate before or during physical exercise provides stimulating and tonic properties which contribute to the resistance of mental and physical fatigue. The active ingredients (caffeines, theobromines, antioxidants) contained in this healthy drink also help to limit the risk of injuries, while improving recovery abilities after sporting exercise.
21 Cours de la Martinique 33000 Bordeaux 05 54 49 87 22

Mate is the benefits of green tea, the power of coffee and the good mood of chocolate in a single drink.
Why drink mate in 6 benefits:
1. Helps you feel more energetic.
2. Strong plant antioxidant, it helps protect cells.
3. Promotes fat loss.
4. Helps improve mental and physical abilities
5. Diuretic effect: facilitates the body's elimination functions.
6. Cardiovascular health: protects the heart and blood vessels.
To benefit from all the benefits of mate, it is of course important to consume it as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
All our mates are grown in Argentina and come from 100% natural and environmentally friendly agriculture.
We collaborate with small local producers to maintain exceptional mate quality and fair trade, while promoting local economic development.
♻️ Eco-responsible: All our mate bags are made from recycled paper and are 100% biodegradable.

Helps improve mental and physical abilities
Why is mate in sport an asset and a good habit?
Mate has stimulating properties that help fight mental and physical fatigue
Drinking mate before or after physical exercise helps strengthen the body and improve your recovery! Thanks to its antioxidant properties, its caffeine and theobromine content.

How to prepare mate easily?
Traditionally served in a container called the calabash, mate is enjoyed with a metal filter straw: the bombilla, here we give you all our secrets for preparing an exceptional mate in 5 steps.
Fill your calabash ¾ full with yerba mate. Are you a lover of pure mate? Go to the next step. Otherwise, you can sweeten your mate by adding sugar, honey or a natural sweetener.
Be sure to mix your mate well to avoid sucking the powdered leaves into the bombilla when tasting. To do this, place your hand on the gourd and turn it over then shake the container vigorously.
Gently tilt your gourd and make sure the mate leaves form a pile on the side of the container. Then place the bombilla in the empty space next to the pile of leaves. The end of the bombilla should be at the bottom and against the wall of the gourd. Finally, pour cold water into the empty space, almost to the height of the leaves. This must be completely absorbed.
Gradually fill your calabash with hot water to infuse the mate. The water must not boil and its temperature must be between 70 and 80°C otherwise your mate risks being too bitter.
After letting your pile of yerba mate leaves steep for a few seconds, it's ready! You can finally enjoy all the flavors of your traditional mate. Do not stir your bombilla as you risk clogging the straw. You can enjoy your drink throughout the day : our mate being premium quality , it can be infused up to ten times.

The Secrets of Yerba Maté: Our Tips & Tricks.

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